Dayan Qigong
Harmonizing and Balancing our Energy and Minds
Dayan Qigong with Sacramento Ordinary Mind Zen

Qigong promotes wellness by promoting the healthy functioning of the acupuncture meridians – removing blockages and improving the flow of qi, “vital energy.” Qigong is a generic term which simply means “qi practice.” By addressing the whole person, harmonizing body and mind, it plays a vital role in both traditional and modern Chinese medicine.
There are thousands of different kinds of qigong, including Medical qigongs – these target specific illnesses, adapting their practice to the particular problem Static qigongs – these usually involve repeating a movement several times. They can be done individually, but often consist of a set of several movements. For example, Ba Dua Jin consists of eight movements; each one is done for 10 or 20 times before going on to the next movement.
Flowing qigongs consist of a sequence of movements where one flows into the next. The movements are designed to balance each others’ effects. For example, tai chi is actually a form of qigong. These flowing qigong can be “hard” (for martial arts purposes) or “soft” (primarily for health).
Dayan (Wild Goose) Qigong is one of the most ancient qigong forms as well as one of the most comprehensive. It includes warm-up exercises, acupressure self-massage, two sequences of 64 movements each, and Taoist meditation. More about Dayan Qigong is on the “About Dayan Qigong” page.